Some more “Scientific Reasons” why sex is good for your partner

As a continuation of our last Blog Post we offer some more reasons that sex can be beneficial to your partner. Maybe the others fell flat; give these a try.

1) Sex will help you lose weight

Thats right, sex is an actual bona fide excercise. For those of us who don’t look forward to a trip to the gym, it’s conforting to know that sex counts as real excercise. It’s been reported that your average romp in the sack, depending on your weight of course, burns as much as 300 calories per hour.

2) It will reduce my risk of prostate cancer

We know that our partners want what is best for us when it comes to our health. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association , the more a man ejaculates the lower his risk of prostate cancer.

3) It will help your partner sleep better

The act of orgasm increases the hormone prolactin which aids in sleep. If your partner has been having trouble falling asleep then you can offer your help.
