Good Sex will help your partner live longer

I kind of took to summer off so I’ve re-dedicated myself to keeping the blog updated. There’s always interesting information out there on human sexuality and I often come across articles I want to share. I came across this this morning. I know my wife is always interested in ways to keep herself healthy and…

The Bigger your Penis, The more likely your wife will cheat!

That’s right guys; A study of 545 straight married couples—which charted each partner’s estimate of the male partner’s penis size and interviewed each privately about their relationship—found that every inch of penis length “increased the likelihood of women being involved in extra-marital partnership by almost one-and-half times.” In other words, the bigger your dick is,…

Another satisfied couple!

There is nothing more rewarding than helping people achieve what they desire. Sexual intimacy is a great gift and it is a bond that can help a couple weather the trials of a life. When couples start having difficulty achieving the level of intimacy they desire it can become very stressful. A new patient of…

The desire for intimacy never dies

I was trying to think of some new and creative ideas for this weeks blog post. I feel like my content has been getting a little stale. Our business is fascinating since we get to help people with a very personal part of their lives. Needless to say, we hear a lot of interesting stories…

Pornography and Erectile Dysfunction

In our practice at Total Performance we will occasionally see cases where excessive pornography could be the culprit in the onset of Erectile Dysfunction. This can be very difficult to nail down. Men don’t often want to admit to excessive time spent watching on-line porn and masturbation. It can be an easy cycle to fall…

Can Testosterone Levels be increased naturally?

The simple answer to this question is, Yes. But, how many of us have tried to keep a New Years resolution or tried to loose a few pounds. It takes a lot of effort and discipline. Raising TT levels naturally boils down to eating better, excercising smarter and getting more sleep. PLUS…. manage stress, avoid…

A Strong Sex Life Helps Couples Cope with the Trials of Aging

Prior to working at Total Performance Medical I had the feeling that at some point in a relationship sexual activity just ended. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. The desire for sexual intimacy never ends. We regularly see patients well into their 70’s and 80’s. Scientists at the University of Chicago have…

Your Penis is Huge……compared to an ape’s.

Being involved in a Male Medical Center I am accutely aware of how men are often concerned about the size of their manhood. For obvious reasons, most men are not in a situation where they see other men in an aroused state. They can only go by what they’ve seen on-line as their basis of…